Monday, November 30, 2009

Some Interesting facts:

Most of the dust in your home is in fact dead skin! Yuck!

Sneezing with your eyes open is impracticable.

Honeybees not at all sleep.

Infants blink simply once or twice a minute as adult’s average around 10.

As well as have only one of its kind fingerprints, humans also have unique tongue prints.

Horses can't vomit and pigs can't seem to be up in the sky

Your sense of tang is around 10000 times more responsive than your sense of taste.

The doorbell was made-up in 1831.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Where do cows go on Saturday nights?
To the MOOO-vies!

Why is it hard to play cards in the jungle?
There are too many cheetahs!

How does a skeleton call his friends?
On a telebone

What happens when a frog’s car breaks down?
He gets toad away.

What do you get when you cross a parrot with a pig?
A bird who hogs the conversation.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Banana wraps:


18-inch flour tortilla

2To3-Tbsp peanut butter

2To3-Tbsp grape jelly

1-smallBanana, peeled


Place tortilla on a paper towel.

Microwave 10 to 20 seconds on high until the tortilla is soft and warm.

Spread with peanut butter.

Top with grape jelly.

Place the banana near the right edge of the tortilla.

Fold up the bottom fourth of the tortilla.

Bring right edge over the banana and roll-up.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Intresting facts

Do all know there are two kinds of pandas?

At hand is the Long-tailed Himalayan carnivore that looks like a raccoon and there is the Giant panda bear that lives in Western China.

The birds that can fly the fastest are called a White and fly up to 95 miles per hour.

Do all know about fishes talk to each other?

Some of them communicate by making noises in their throats by rasping their teeth; others use their swim bladders to make sounds

The blood pressure of a giraffe is the highest in comparison to every animal species.

How many types of pure breed dogs are there in the world? 701

A horse weighing approximately 1,200-pounds eats approximately seven times its own weight, in a year. That amounts to almost 8,400-pounds of food. Wow! What an appetite!

A headless cockroach can survive for a couple of weeks. Its life would finally end due to starvation!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Intresting Robot :

Hello kids here you have something to have fun with the robot.

Fascinating invention is robotic which was shown in this video.

The video comprise of robot and a group of peoples, the robot is going to make fun with the people.

Monday, November 9, 2009


1. Rabbits are herbivores; it can eat carrots, vegetables, tree barks, and herbs.

2. Baby rabbit is called kitten (kit).

3. The teeth of Rabbit’s never stop growing.

4. Rabbits can rumble similar to a cat.

5. Group of rabbits live in a maze.

6. Rabbits can jump unto 36".

7. Rabbits weigh 2 to 11 pounds.

8. Rabbits organize themselves.

9. Rabbits are loving, social and interactive animals.

10. Rabbits eat their own night compost called cecotropes.

11. The development period for a rabbit averages 31 days.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Veggie meatballs- Kids Favourit


1 packet - Soya mince
1 large - onion
2 - bread crumbed
2 - eggs
salt, pepper
1 tbs - tomato puree

How to make Veggie meatballs:

If by means of using dry Soya mince, create up as directives on packet if by means of using fresh fry for 5 mins.

Finely chop onion and fry until soft.

Add the Soya mince, tomato puree & seasoning, fry for some minutes then leave to cool slightly.

Mix in the eggs and breadcrumbs.

Roll into tiny balls and then fry in a shallow frying pan until nice and golden all over.

Serve warm with fresh crisp bread.