Friday, July 31, 2009


1. What did the sick chicken say?

I have the people-pox!

2. Why do hummingbirds hum?

Because they forgot the words!

3. What is a chick after she's 6 days old?

Seven days old!

4. What is black when u buy it, red when u use it and grey when u throw it away?


5. Why are cooks cruel?

Because they whip cream and beat eggs!!

6. What is a book's favorite food?

A bookworm.

7. What do the library computers like to eat for snacks?


8. Why did the computer sneeze?

It had a virus.

9. What did the chewing gum say to the shoe?

I'm stuck on you

10. What did one mountain say to the other mountain?

Let's meet in the valley

11. What bird steals from the rich to give to the poor?

Robin Hood

12. Why did the woman wear a helmet at the dinner table?

She was on a crash diet.

13. Why do birds fly south?

Because it is too far to walk.

14. Why are Teddy Bears never hungry?

Because they are always stuffed.

15. What did one book say to the other one?

I just wanted to see if we are on the same page

16. Why do authors always get good marks on tests?

They know how to copy-right.


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